Your Source for High-Definition Wallpapers
HD Wallpaper specializes in high-definition wallpapers suitable for modern displays such as 4k phones, tablets, and monitors.
When you use HD Wallpapers, you’ll get beautiful wallpapers that benefit both you and the artist.
Most wallpaper websites use a “steal first, remove later” strategy. They steal images from others and only remove them when they complain.
We want to change this by becoming the leading wallpaper website using legal and ethical ways.
- Nothing is stolen. Every wallpaper you see on this website is uploaded by the original creator.
- Creators are not locked down. They retain all their original rights and can remove their wallpapers at any time.
- Creators also get the support they deserve with prominent links back to their website.
Want to help?
You can help grow this website by submitting your wallpapers. Start by applying for an account.
Currently, donations are not required as the operating costs and staff wages are sponsored by our company, 2000px Media. We hope the website will eventually become self-sustaining and you can help by whitelisting this website if you are using an ad blocker.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use the wallpapers on my iPhone or iPad?
After downloading the wallpaper, go to Settings > Wallpaper > Choose a New Wallpaper. Browse for the wallpaper you just downloaded then scale it to fit your screen. Tap set then choose whether you would like it to show on your Lock Screen, Home Screen, or both.
How to I use the wallpapers on my Android device?
After downloading the wallpaper, touch and hold anywhere empty on your home screen. Tap Wallpapers. Browse for the wallpaper then tap Set Wallpaper.
Why are the wallpapers watermarked?
The watermark takes a small portion of the image in an area typically covered by the taskbar or hidden when stretched. The watermark gives credit back to the artist and curtails illegitimate use of the wallpaper (There are a lot of shady wallpaper websites that steal people’s images).
Do I give up the rights to the wallpapers I upload?
No, you retain any and all of your rights to any wallpaper you submit through our website. You are simply granting us the right and license to have your wallpaper on our website as described in the terms of use.
Do I have control over the wallpapers I submit?
Yes, you can modify or delete your submission at any time through your account.